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Ecuador moves to clean up courts, opposition balks

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-18-11 10:29 AM
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Ecuador moves to clean up courts, opposition balks
Ecuador moves to clean up courts, opposition balks
By Hugh Bronstein Hugh Bronstein – Mon Jan 17, 8:16 pm ET

QUITO (Reuters) – Ecuador's President Rafael Correa proposed a set of constitutional changes on Monday that he said would strengthen the justice system, but which critics argued were aimed at tightening his grip on power.

Confronted by rising crime statistics that could grow to threaten his popularity along with a sluggish economy, Correa said he was planning a referendum to ask voters if they want to reform the way judges are chosen.

The leftist leader -- who often clashes with reporters, bankers and other members of the private sector -- said the referendum would also ask whether media and financial companies should be allowed to hold other types of investments.

Opposition politicians say the referendum is really intended to quiet dissent and strengthen Correa's hold on the country's institutions. It could also damage Ecuador's already shaky image among international investors, they say.

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-18-11 11:51 AM
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1. Typical Rotters corpo-fascist propaganda throughout this article. It is so biased toward
Corporate Rule--and against democratic rule--as to have come from the blood-soaked pen of Rupert Murdoch. That's why I call them Rotters. They really are rotters--scumbag whore scribblers in service to their Corporate Masters. Same bullshit everywhere we look in the corpo-fascist press. Leftist leaders are "dictators." Correa and his government put everything to a vote, just like Chavez and his government do, and Morales and his government do, and somehow THEY are "tyrants," when the multinational corporations and war profiteers who BUY governments, who operate in SECRECY with insidious, behind-the-scenes power in every country that lets them, are THE most tyrannical forces on earth!

Cleaning up the court system, after a century of corruption in which the rich and the multinational have entrenched their power, and doing so BY A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE, is somehow Stalinist, in this warped view.

Opposing layered monopolies--mega-corporations which control the media WHILE manufacturing weapons of war--as we have here--is going "to scare investors" (that old shibboleth of the rich and the fascist)--and is described as "Media Restrictions" in a subtitle of this article. Media RESTRICTIONS. The right of the people to receive news and opinion that is NOT TAINTED by the media corporation's OTHER businesses is a "media restriction." This is so warped as to be unbelievable--but so is most of the utter crapola that we hear from these "conflict of interest"-soaked 'news' sources.

De-regulation of the Savings and Loan institutions in the U.S. is possibly the WORST domestic policy we have ever seen perpetrated on ordinary people in this country--prior to the Bush Junta era. THIS is what Correa is talking about--forbidding banks to loot peoples' savings in high risk ventures--wiping out their savings with "junk bond" investments; and putting the entire country and the world economy in peril, with ponzi schemes and toxic mortgages.

And how dare Correa talk to the people who elected him about the "conflicts of interest" of Big Media and banksters! This is described by Rotters thusly:

"Correa was first elected in late 2006, promising a 'citizens revolution' to increase state control over Ecuador's natural resources and fight what he calls the country's corrupt elite. His regular Saturday TV appearances often feature him lambasting journalists who criticize his policies."--Rotters

He dares to "lambast" bought-and-paid for corporate media whores who have no concept of a democracy un-bludgeoned by Corporate Rule. They oppose him talking to the people!--explaining and defending his policies and answering their attacks! They don't want debate, these "little tin god" corrupt 'journalists.' They want to be the only voice heard.

Every point in this article is twisted in this way--against democracy and for Corporate Rule--and its underlying premise is that Corporate Rulers and the greedy desires of rich investors should be permitted unfettered license to loot everything and everybody and force their viewpoint on all of us, by using their filthy rotten billions to buy up and monopolize all the media.

A very toxic article, indeed. And, as I said, Murdoch could have written it himself. IT'S ALL THE SAME: The Wall Street Urinal, the Associated Pukes, the New York Slimes, Rotters--the whole lot of them. ONE VOICE is speaking and it WILL NOT ALLOW democracy anywhere.
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