Ex-dictator awaits judge's word on corruption trial as government closes in on funds in Swiss account
Rory Carroll, Latin America correspondent
The Guardian
Thursday 20 January 2011
Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier remained in his Port-au-Prince hotel yesterday preparing for an extended and possibly permanent stay in Haiti as fresh criminal charges, including torture and crimes against humanity, were filed against him.
The former dictator's limbo – he is not a prisoner but is apparently unable to leave the country because of corruption and embezzlement charges – turned more precarious when he faced accusations of atrocities during his rule.
Michèle Montas, a Haitian former spokeswoman for the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, was one of four Haitians who filed separate complaints to prosecutors.
She was forced into exile after Duvalier closed her late husband's radio station. "Anyone who was in any way independent from the regime was systematically arrested and killed," Montas said ...