First of all, this is the entire El (Non) Universal article. No quotes of the cable. No comment by Lula or Chavez. Absolutely no context or background, and at least one big black hole where information should be: That the U.S. refused to let Venezuela obtain replacement parts for U.S aircraft that it had purchased. The U.S. was, in effect, inflicting an embargo (an act of war) on Venezuela with absolutely no cause to do so, except that Venezuelans had defied the U.S. by turning back the U.S. supported rightwing coup d'etat in 2002!
Secondly, Chavez and Lula are close friends and allies, met monthly to discuss common goals and projects, and Lula often had Chavez's back in disputes with the U.S., in addition to being a sharp critic of U.S. interference in Latin America himself, and actually more defiant of U.S. dictates than Chavez in some respects--for instance, on Honduras and Iran.
When the U.S. (Bush Junta) reconstituted the U.S. 4th Fleet in the Caribbean (mothballed since WW II), in 2008, Lula said that it was "a threat to Brazil's oil," and proposed a South American "common defense" within the context of UNASUR (an all-South American EU prototype that the U.S. has NOT been invited to be a member of, formalized that same summer). This and numerous other statements and actions of Lula da Silva leave no doubt whatsoever WHO Lula feared and opposed as a threat to Latin America's peace, sovereignty and well-being.
Thirdly, how was it that the U.S. had any say in Brazilian contracts with Venezuela? The U.S. was exercising whatever bully power it could gain over sovereign countries, for instance, blackmailing third parties on its war-like embargo of Cuba, such that a ship carrying anything at all, even minor cargo, to Cuba, was forbidden to then dock at U.S. ports. Why the U.S. was carrying out this insane and cruel embargo of Cuba against the opinion of the entire world can be laid to connections of the CIA with the Miami mafia and the bloody Batista fascists who were subsidized by our tax dollars and leveraged this support into untoward power over U.S. foreign policy.
Nuts, in other word. (The Miami mafia were the first "Tea Partyers.")
So, Lula tells the HATED U.S. and its envoy that Brazil is "concerned" about the "balance of power" in order to get the fucking U.S. to BACK OFF from its lawless embargo of Venezuela, so Brazil can help Venezuela replace old military equipment that the U.S. won't let it replace! 'Well, they'll get it from Russia,' he says (pulling Uncle Sam's beard). Asshole, mass killer, lawless, brain-dead Bush Jr or his puppeteers won't back off from whatever blackmail they are exercising over Brazil's military contracts and Chavez goes ahead with the Russian purchase.
And El (Non) Universal has put the word "afraid" in the title of this propagandistic bit of disinformation possibly at the behest of the CIA or in their own twisted effort to make people stupid.
The one thing that the U.S. multinational corporations and war profiteers who rule the roost in Washington hate the most, and want most sorely to "divide and conquer," is the UNITY among Latin America's leftist leaders. El (Non) Universal has taken its cue from its masters to promulgate the absurd notion that Lula was "afraid" of Chavez or Russia. Lula certainly wanted those contracts for Brazil but he wasn't "afraid" of anybody--least of all Chavez--and if anybody gave him "concern," it was the U.S. of A., the current and historical bully and ravager of Latin America.
Lula was arrested and imprisoned by the U.S.-supported fascist tyrants in Brazil, and his chief of staff, who was just elected president of Brazil to succeed him, was a leftist guerrilla imprisoned and horribly tortured by that U.S.-backed regime. These leaders are TOTALLY AWARE of what the U.S. has done to Latin America in the past and what they have done, and have tried to do, recently. They are systematically--and, indeed, passionately--forging political/economic alliances with other leftist leaders to COUNTER U.S. interference and to achieve Latin American independence. This is the background that El (Non) Universal, of course, doesn't fill in, and why they don't seek quotes from Lula or Chavez, so they can get "afraid" into their headline before it gets contradicted.
Such slimebags.