The peaceful become the victims.
And, not only do the peaceful get preyed upon by criminals, the system is either made for corruption, or inevitably becomes corrupt, and the peaceful get preyed upon by the police, by the 'justice' system--judges, D.A.s, lawyers, prison officials--and by politicians, even presidents, and by BIG cartels, like the Bush Cartel. In fact, some outlawing of peaceful behavior I think is DESIGNED TO produce social mayhem along with BIG profits for war profiteers and other beneficiaries of fearful communities and populations.
The immigration of Central Americans through Mexico to the U.S. begins with the ravaging, destruction, violence and mayhem inflicted upon Central American countries by, or abetted by, the U.S. government. For instance, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Mayan villagers were brutally slaughtered by a heinous dictator, supported by the Reagan regime, in Guatemala, in the 1980s. That same regime was conducting an illegal war against Nicaragua, and had hijacked Honduras as the stepping stool, for launching U.S.-paid thugs into Nicaragua, to assassinate teachers and mayors. Another U.S.-backed fascist regime was slaughtering nuns and priests, and a bishop--advocates of the poor--and others in El Salvador. All of these horrors were aimed at subjugating these countries to U.S. corporate rule--to create slave labor for U.S. multinational corporate operations and to steal everything in sight--resources, public services--and to PREVENT these countries from ever getting on their feet, as democracies that could establish and defend decent wages and working conditions, education, food security, upward mobility, human rights, and their own sovereignty and independence.
All this horror was then followed by U.S. "free trade for the rich" and the U.S. "war on drugs"--yet more ravaging and domination. And it hasn't stopped. The U.S. just kicked Honduran democracy in the teeth, once again--and trade unionists, community leaders, human rights workers, teachers, mayors and others are being murdered once again, in Honduras--on behalf of U.S. multinational retailers, U.S. corporate Ag and U.S.-based "privatizers" of every kind, plus U.S. war profiteers and the Pentagon.
Central Americans come here to make money because they CAN'T make a living in their countries and are NOT criminals. They don't belong to gangs. They aren't traffickers. They just want jobs. And if you wonder why they can't making a living in their own countries--where most of them would prefer to be--ask the goddamned CIA. Ask Chiquita. Ask Gap. Ask Dyncorp. Ask John McCain (telecommunications, Honduras). Ask Bill and Hillary Clinton (IMF indenture, U.S. "free trade for the rich" and the "war on drugs" throughout the region).
As these ravaged countries keep trying to repair their democracies, and work hard on their election systems and grass roots organization, and elect leaders who try to act in their interest, the U.S. comes in and smashes them again--as they did in Honduras in 2009--and no doubt have plans to do in Nicaragua, again, and likely in El Salvador and Guatemala, again. THIS is why citizens of these countries migrate north. Their countries have been ravaged by US.
And then the U.S. comes down on them like a ton of bricks for illegal immigration--and they suffer fear, exploitation and death for seeking work. Peaceful people. Mean no harm to anyone. Lovers and supporters of their families. Would rather be home in their village. Hate being separated from grandparents and others. Send most of their money home. Willing to do menial work--with no protection here either, no labor laws cover them--in order to do that--to support their children, their elders and themselves.
This crime in Oaxaca--which, by the way, has had one of the worst, most violent and corrupt fascist establishments in Mexico--leads right back here and into the halls of power in Washington DC, where they name airports and battleships after that mass murderer Reagan, and where the greedbags of profit and war rule policy.