sabotage of leftist governments in Latin America, especially Venezuela's--with good reason.
My first thought was about Venezuelan's love affair with guns. If there is anything I really disagree with, as to Chavez government policy, it is their failure to regulate guns and the consequent high violent crime rate.
I think I know why they DON'T crack down on guns. The screams of the rightwing would be heard all the way to the moon. 'Dictator! Dictator! Dictator!' It's probably the same reason they hesitated to pull RCTV's broadcast license, even though, if there is any corporate broadcaster on this earth who less deserved a license to use the public airwaves, it was RCTV. They used their broadcast capability to support, organize and foment a coup d'etat--one whose first act, after kidnapping the president, was to suspend the constitution, the courts, the national assembly and all civil rights. But the Chavez government waited until their license came up for renewal. This was probably the result of the rabid right and their trumpet, the international corporate press. The government wanted to calm things down for a while, because they knew that the U.S. and the corpo-fascist press wanted them gone and wouldn't hesitate to support further destabilization efforts and a second coup . It's probably the same thing with gun regulation. They can't be happy with the high crime rate, but gun regulation would be another squall for the corpo-fascist press to spread all over the world.
But, of course, ammunition factories don't kill people. (Um, they just did.) It's people who kill people--with fists, clubs, knives, swords, poison darts and the easiest way, handy fire arms. It's not the fire arms' fault. Poor things. Why blame them or those who profit from them?
Anyway, could have been a plot, God knows. Or could have been just stupidity. And if it's the latter, it is ultimately the responsibility of the government and the people of Venezuela. They want guns? They're going to have to put up with some accidents in their manufacture--and with every idiot in a love quarrel, and every gangster in a turf war, and every robber, and every homicidal maniac having a handy, quick and easy way to kill people.
Big flaw in the Bolivarian Revolution, in my opinion--besides giving the Venezuelan Mad Tea Party something to screech about. (Such an irony that they screech about crime--the biggest criminals of all, who tried to steal the government--and can you hear the howls if the Chavez government tried to regulate guns!)