oil subsidy from Ven to Honduras for a price.
Honduras would be required to pay 60
percent within 90 days, with the balance financed at 1
percent interest over 25 years with a two-year grace period.
During his visit, Chavez said at least part of the bill could
be paid in milk or other agricultural commodities, although
Honduran agriculture reps have said the country does not
currently have an exportable supply.
10. (C) As for why Chavez waited until 10 days after his
visit to sign the agreement, we strongly suspect this was to
extract the political "price" for the deal. This came in the
form of: 1) participation as an observer at the ALBA summit,
and 2) stating publicly that Honduras does not consider
Colombia's FARC to be a terrorist group (ref D). End Comment and Venezuela unknowingly sign an agreement from Zelaya actually prepared by Washington
3. (C) Comment: Zelaya found himself trapped between his
desire to please both the U.S. and his ALBA friends at the
OAS. The need to produce a successful assembly won out,
however, and Zelaya successfully pressured ALBA to accept our
text. The Secretary's presence was important, as Zelaya
wants good relations with the new administration and wanted
her visit to be successful. Zelaya kept his word to us on
not allowing any of the ALBA presidents to speak at the
assembly, at some effort according to his version. We note,
however, that had he not issued them invitations, he would
not have had to fend of their speaking requests.