the interview in which "Guido" says "We're going to topple (Chavez)," just before the 2002 coup attempt.
Corrections of my comment above: Incakola says the suitcase had $800,000 hard U.S. cash (I said $700,000). Also, I'm not sure if "Guido" is a billionaire, though the interviewee saw his garage full of "Hummers, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Mercedeses." He may be merely a multi-millionaire, or a multi-millionaire by marriage, or possibly a billionaire by marriage, with his ears pinned back by a prenup. I can't know much he himself has--just that he flaunts an uber-rich lifestyle, according to this and other reports. He could be in blackmailable, arm-twistable, kneecap-able debt, for all I know--or his wife could be the richie, and he's just a bagman for the Miami mafia and the Bushwhacks.
My main point is that the Bushwhacks are/were tightly wound into this extremely rich terrorist gang in Miami. Of course, the U.S. government is in general tangled up with it--both Dems and Pukes--and have been since the JFK assassination. But with the Bush Junta, officials of the federal government were not even making a pretense of distance. They were blatantly colluding with these gangsters and terrorists to bring down legitimate, democratic, popular governments--in Venezuela and Argentina, and no doubt elsewhere (Ecuador and Bolivia, come to mind--all four being failed RW coups; and of course later, Honduras, where bloody-handed fascists recently "succeeded"--although long term their "cause" truly is doomed in the entire region).
So the notion that the U.S./Bush Junta government had "journalists" on the payroll to trumpet their anti-Left propaganda and dirty ops is a no-brainer. Of course they did! The whole point of the "Guido" caper was PUBLICITY.