Peru's sterilisation victims still await compensation and justice
Keiko Fujimori's weak response to her father's awful policy likely lost her the presidency. It's little comfort to the 300,000 women
Natalia Sobrevilla Perea, Friday 17 June 2011 14.18 BST
On 5 June, Ollanta Humala was elected to the Peruvian presidency after narrowly defeating Keiko Fujimori. The daughter of disgraced ex-president Alberto Fujimori had until the very last week of campaigning managed to dodge accusations that linked her to the corrupt and abusive regime of her father. Many remained undecided until the last week, and she held a slight edge thanks to the backing of the media and the elite fearing the possible election of a left-leaning former army commander accused of being financed by Hugo Chávez. According to pollsters, Keiko Fujimori lost crucial support because of her dismal response to the issue of the mass sterilisation programme carried out during her father's regime.
Between 1996 and 1998, some 300,000 women were sterilised in Peru. All came from the poorest backgrounds, most from the Andean and Amazonian areas where Spanish is still not widely spoken. Some days before the election, vice-presidential candidate Rafael Rey declared the women had not been sterilised "against their will", but "without their consent". This came hot on the heels of Keiko Fujimori's assertion during the presidential debate that she, "as a mother", understood the plight of the women that had been sterilised, while defending the man who as health minister had carried out her father's policies.
Humala lost no chance to remind voters of his opponent's faux pas and women's rights activists took the issue to the forefront of symbolic fighting by parading in Lima's streets with placards of mutilated genitalia during the marches held against Fujimori. The issue was taken up by Peruvians of all social classes and while it was not uncommon to hear taxi drivers argue that "only educated women should have children", many of the women who had so far favoured Keiko Fujimori for her promises of providing school uniforms and lunches had second thoughts about supporting her after her defence of controversial population control policies.
As far as Keiko Fujimori and her advisers were concerned, the sterilisation campaign was executed with the best intentions at heart, although some regrettable errors were made. Thirty women died, and several others were scarred for life, as some of those sterilised had, in fact, never had children. The sterilisation program came about as a poverty reduction strategy. In the early 90s Peru had, under Fujimori, put in practice one of the most aggressive structural adjustment policies ever implemented. It was so forceful that even the World Bank advised the Peruvian government to slow down. As a result of prolonged economic crisis and neoliberal reform, 50% of Peruvians lived under the poverty line and population control was an ideal to aspire to. The UN population conference in Cairo in 1994 and the women's Beijing conference of 1995 provided Fujimori with inspiration, and his government received funding from USAid to undertake the ambitious project.