This is a pretty good article. Except for one big error is this paragraph:
Instead, the mediation process had the unanimous support of Latin America and the Caribbean, which endorsed it through their new organisation, Celac (the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States). Celac contains all the countries of the Organisation of American States (OAS) except the US and Canada. It was formed in February 2010, partly as a response to Washington's manipulation of the OAS in the aftermath of the Honduran coup.
CELAC is not formally constituted yet. It is scheduled to be inaugurated on July 5-6 in Caracas. What happened in February 2010 was that CELAC was first PROPOSED, not FORMED.
Weisbrot usually is very good on Latin American issues, but have noted that he has been way off the mark on two issues recently. He wrote a few weeks ago that the U.S. and Colombia had no extradition treaty (he was wrong), and now this error about CELAC.
But otherwise the article is good reading .... and bashes hil and company.