... in the mid- to late 1990s.
(Warning; this is a very tough video to watch.)
In the 1990s, the government of Alberto Fujimori carried out a program of forced sterilizations among the poor, indigenous people of Peru. The sterilizations during his presidency were not among the charges that sent him to prison.
The video says 250,000 women (and men) were sterilized against their will using threats, promises and other trickery. Other figures that I have seen put the number as high as 330,000.
(In English, longish but riveting.)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv9GtGl4Odk (Tried to put this video in the Videos Forum, but could not because it said it not "embedded." If someone can do it, think it would be good for wider DU audience viewing.)