'UK can do 'precisely nothing' to prevent Argentina retaking the Falklands'
London, June 13 : Admiral Sir John "Sandy" Woodward, who commanded the British Naval Force in the South Atlantic during the Falklands War, has warned that the defence cuts will allow his country to do "precisely nothing" to prevent Argentina from retaking the islands.
Woodward also stressed that America has little interest in supporting Britain in any conflict because a stable Argentina is now more important to the State Department, The Telegraph reports.
He said that the US is pushing for negotiations over their sovereignty and that as "significantly the islands were already being called the Malvinas by the US, tells us all too clearly which way the wind is blowing."
With the Armed Forces already "over-committed" in Afghanistan and Libya, and the Navy drastically weakened following last year''s defence review, "the answer appears to be that we can do precisely nothing other than accede to US pressure," the 79-year-old insisted.