Info below is from the opposition El Universal of today
Chavez with brace on left knee, Maduro at right. El Universal does not say when the photo was taken.
-- More details will be revealed to the public in coming days about Chavez's treatment and recuperation process.
-- Maduro denied Chavez had colon cancer.
-- Maduro said in regards to sparse information given to the public, it had been necessary first to be sure that Chavez's condition was okay and that his recuperation was proceeding how it should.
-- Maduro said the operation to extract the cancerous tumor, which was detected in time, had been complicated and had lasted six hours. Chavez is under a strict regimen of diet and exercise.
-- Maduro said the results of the operation and the post examination were done organ by organ, according to the report by oncólogos, patólogos and proctólogos specialists comprised of Venezuelans and Cuban medical doctors who confirmed that the abscessed tumor was able to be completely extracted; all his organs have been examined and found to be in perfect condition.
-- Maduro said Chavez is in full control of his faculties.
For readers of Spanish