A mob attacked deputy María Corina Machado (Independent-Miranda state) when she left the military parade staged on Tuesday at Los Próceres promenade, southwest Caracas, to commemorate the bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence.
"This violent behavior should make us reflect. We will not lower our head. We will continue to try to make people understand that both the Bicentennial and the institutions belong to all Venezuelans," she said.
She claimed that the government once again used a civilian holiday to highlight "a personal and partisan vision."
"We can not commemorate the Independence of Venezuela without democracy, without freedom; so now more than ever, it is necessary to emphasize the ideals of 1811 for them to come true in our generation," she said
http://english.eluniversal.com/2011/07/05/mp-maria-corina-machado-assaulted-after-bicentennial-parade.shtmlInspiring words