United Fruit was in its glory, and the Bushes were invested in Cuban business. "Them was the good ol' days."
Crazy seeing the huge monument to the lost US Navy personel lost on the USS Maine when "someone" blew it up, which served as a reason to kick off a war and grab control of Cuba. Ah, "Remember the Maine." As if we could.
Very thought-provoking. Thanks!
Here's a great resource, published in the 1950's. Shared at CNN's old US/Cuba relations board by a DU'er known to us here, who found it and posted it, causing a great round of laughter among the posters at the time. It is tremendous.
From a thread posted here in 2004, when someone at that time started a thread on a by-then OLD, tired trick from US clowns, calling Cuba a sex tourism destination:
Here it is. It was all material published in the 1950's, and it's really almost comical now, yet tacky!
My special favorite is this bright idea, the NIGHTCLUB IN THE SKY! (To see larger photos of the tiny thumbnails, right-click, view photos, or if it doesn't work, copy and paste the address (URL) from "properties" in another window and click. Very very strange....)
Original thread from 2004 posted by:
ringmastery (1000+ posts) Fri Jul-16-04 08:20 PM
Original message
Bush Says Castro Welcomes Sex Tourism