Even at this distance, and through layers of translation, I got the undertones, maybe because I follow LatAm news as closely as I can. Seemed obvious to me that Dilma Rousseff laid down the New Rules (no more coups, no more U.S. corps/banksters' ravaging of LatAm economies, new "level playing field" in world trade and LatAms now have each others' backs on this). But if an ordinary U.S. citizen like me--monoglot but with curiosity--can figure this out, why can't the "hair-blown reporters" of the corpo-fascist press figure it out?
This. Is. The. Biggest. News. Of. The. Century.
Not to mention the best news--the most positive news--from a human rights/social justice perspective.
And it tells you something about the state of the U.S./"global north" business world: they don't want--or, in any case, aren't getting--good information. Accurate, truthful, real, practical, useful information.
This has puzzled me for a lo-o-o-o-ng time: How can you base a business on false information--profound lies, spin, distortion, such as we've seen in the corpo-fascist press about LatAm?
Murdoch taking over the Wall Street Journal is symptomatic. It used to be that the WSJ kept its fascist views to the editorial page and actually provided good, in-depth information on its news pages--because, presumably, businesspeople must have accurate information on which to base business decisions. Now the whole publication stinks of fascist propaganda. How is this useful to the business world?
Well, one of the conclusions I've come to is that U.S./"global north" corporations are relying on SOMETHING ELSE to make their decisions, and the Iraq War is emblematic of what that "something else" is--U.S. violence, the U.S. war machine, U.S. bullying, U.S. 'black ops,' and U.S. government enforcement of IMF/World Bank policies of looting "the commons," robbing the poor, enriching the super-rich and stealing resources of every kind. In other words, the bulk of the U.S./"global north" business world is NOT doing business; it is doing war. And war always and ever depends on propaganda. Much of the propaganda is aimed at the U.S. people themselves, to keep us stupid about what these fuckers are doing with our money and our military. This conclusion may exclude small and medium-sized businesses, which still need real information (and aren't getting it). They are actually "doing business," in the traditional sense--producing something--goods, services, ideas that are useful--and they and their workers are the real "engines" of whatever vestiges of a real economy remain here (as well as being the "engines" of democracy). The predatory capitalist war/propaganda machine ill serves them--and they, too, are being vastly exploited and swallowed up in the monstrous maw of this horrible corporate war machine.
And where the U.S. corporate/war machine is not "forging markets" and stealing resources for the monster corps (such as Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP, Monsanto...), it is creating looting opportunities for all sorts of non-business businesses, such as the many 'contractors' sucking off the U.S. taxpayer tit and producing nothing. Again, Iraq is emblematic: billions and billions of dollars simply 'disappeared' into the non-redevelopment of Iraq. Multiply this all over the world--billions and billions wasted on attempts at propagandizing, destabilizing and gaining control of Cuba, Venezuela, Honduras, Haiti, Libya, Iran, the Afghanistan pipeline corridor--a few examples of many. These are USAID 'contracts.' What are they producing? Nada! They are non-businesses. Their purposes are propaganda or sheer looting of U.S. taxpayers. And what is the purpose of the propaganda? Gaining U.S./"global north" control of the oil or other resources; creating slave labor markets; gaining strategic positions for war and domination--and FOOLING first of all the people HERE about what is really going on, and what their taxes and their government are being used for, and propagandizing the target countries and the world in so far as that is possible.
LEECHES. The "business community" has become monopolistic, propagandistic LEECHES--dependent on the U.S. war machine and U.S. taxpayers for their egregiously unfair advantage in the world. They don't need reliable, accurate, practical information. They need tanks, bombers, 'cannon fodder,' "black ops"! And to keep getting that support for their unfair advantage, they have to FOOL the people who are paying for it.
They, of course, have been "killing the golden goose" (the great American middle class), so now they want to loot our Social Security, our Medicare, our educational system, etc., to pay for their goddamn wars and their thefts and their egregiously unfair advantages.
This propaganda machine--this 'Big Lie' machine--this creation of unreal, non-useful 'information'--has largely FAILED in LatAm, where democracy has undergone one of its miraculous historical eruptions. And, of course, democracy--real democracy--goes hand in hand with real business--a real marketplace--an honest exchange of goods, services and ideas--the matrix of prosperity. Our system in the "global north" has become almost incapable of real business and real democracy. The lies in the corporate press about LatAm's remarkable leftist democracy revolution indicate how fearful these corporate rulers and war profiteers are, that we may recognize real democracy when we see it, and some of their "spin" indicates how baffled they are, as to how to regain control of LatAm.
The "spin" that most amuses me is their fantasy that their "divide and conquer" tactic, of Venezuela vs Brazil, has been successful. The exact opposite is true. It has been hugely UN-successful. Lula da Silva wouldn't put up with it, nor will Dilma Rousseff. They understand, in the deepest way, that unity is essential to LatAm independence, democracy, social justice and prosperity. They have made this very clear to U.S. corporate/war profiteer representatives (Bush/Rice, et al, Obama/Clinton, et al). I just saw this "spin" spun again, in an El Universal (corpo/fascist) 'news' article, re Humala/Peru. They state as fact that Humala "used to be" an ally of Hugo Chavez but has now changed into an ally of Lula da Silva. But they LEAVE OUT the fact that Chavez and da Silva are the closest and strongest of allies with each other! There is no breach. There is no divide. Chavez, da Silva and Humala are just very clever people. They knew how best to get a leftist elected in a U.S. client state without triggering a Honduras-type coup d'etat.
I've thought long and hard about this. At first, I thought Humala was making a mistake--one that cost him a big mandate (cuz the very poorest 10% stayed home, didn't vote). But the clue to what really went down can be found in El Universal's repetition of their "talking point"--their insistence that their "divide and conquer" tactic has succeeded. This is so typical of corporate manufactured 'news.' It's THEIR OWN "talking point." They cite no source; they provide no quotation, no reference, nothing. They ASSERT that Humala "used to be" a Chavez ally--i.e., he is no longer a Chavez ally, which is bullshit.
What we are seeing in LatAm is a revolution designed by Hugo Chavez and Lula da Silva! Their alliance has been the key to it all. Their development of the "raise all boats" philosophy is why it is succeeding--politically and economically. It is why there are now leftist governments in charge in most of South America and half of Central America. And while Chavez backed off, and Lula stepped forward, as to Peru's election, they did so not on the basis of any corpo-fascist press manufactured "divide," they did to DENY the corpo-fascist press the propaganda weapon that was going to be used against Humala: "bogeyman Chavez"!
It's NOT that the corpo-fascist 'news' purveyors are clueless as to what is really going on; it's that they want us to be clueless--so that they can keep looting us, so they can keeping making war in our name and so that we will not rebel as LatAm has done.
The practical upshot of this--if you posit a real U.S. business community--is that business people here would find themselves clueless, when they went down to Peru, for instance, and made anti-Chavez jokes in business meetings, thinking to ingratiate themselves with Peruvians; or made bad business decisions, regarding, say, Brazil's big markets, based on wrong notions of Brazil's relations with Venezuela.
REAL businesspeople would be handicapped by such disinformation. Phony businesspeople--corporate monopolists and war profiteers--operate on an entirely different plane whereon the U.S. government's threats, bribes, bullying, "dirty ops" and other machinations (including coups, arms to rightwing terrorists, funds to rightwing groups) pave the way for their unfair advantage. And this can get very bloody, indeed. In Colombia, we've seen $7 BILLION in U.S. military aid used to decapitate the trade union movement and other advocates of workers and the poor majority. These are the conditions that corporations like Exxon Mobil or Drummond Coal or Chiquita have come to expect--U.S. taxpayers funding the murder of labor union leaders. This is what they use the U.S. government for. It's not business. It's war.
LatAm has become unified against it. And, so, the propagandists of this corporate war manufactured disunity--call it, "Disunity, the Movie"--try to impose their movie on reality. I think Chavez, da Silva and Humala outfoxed them.
As for Obama's visit to Brazil--and what was going on behind the scenes between Rousseff and Obama--they "missed" everything, not because their reporters are "hair-blown" but because they must keep a lid on the story of LatAm's leftist revolution, independence, unity and real democracy. How do they get billions of dollars for the Pentagon and the USAID and the CIA and the U.S. "war on drugs" in LatAm, and retain the Pentagon's "circle the wagons" area, in Central America/the Caribbean, on behalf of U.S./"global north" corporations, banksters and war profiteers--how do they continue all this looting and failure and seeking of unfair advantage--if we learn the truth that Latin Americans can plainly see, despite the corpo-fascist propaganda machine there?
Well, they've got the corporate-controlled 'TRADE SECRET' voting machines, here, to keep the billions in filthy lucre flowing, and to keep their war plans on the Big Dartboard, but the edifice is teetering, and thus, the propaganda becomes ever more screeching and hysterical--a "Big Lie" balloon that may be popping as we speak, if Murdoch goes down.