What about the U.S.-funded ($7 BILLION) Colombian generals and police chiefs and U.S. supported president/commander-in-chief Alvaro Uribe, who provided bonuses and promotions on a "body count" basis as an enticement to slaughter civilians, and most particularly peasant farmers, 5 million of whom were driven from their lands by state terror?
What about the Bush Junta, the U.S. State Department, the Pentagon, Rumsfeld, U.S. commanders in Colombia and U.S. senators who were providing "training," "technical assistance" and political support for such policies?
And what were the U.S. soldiers and U.S. private military 'contractors' at all the U.S. bases in Colombia doing, while the Colombian military was going on their "turkey shoots" into the countryside?
Why did the U.S. ambassador feel the need to get Uribe's signature on a secretly negotiated U.S./Colombia military agreement, giving "total diplomatic immunity" to U.S. soldiers and U.S. military 'contractors' in Colombia, more than a decade into the U.S. military presence in Colombia?
Why did the U.S. ambassador collude with Uribe on midnight extraditions of death squad witnesses to the U.S. and their "burial" in the U.S. federal prison system, out of the reach of the Colombian prosecutors and over their objections?
What stinking, bloody Bushwhack horror lurks beneath these mysterious actions?
I'm not sorry to see murderers caught and prosecuted but these were very low level operatives in what is very likely a much, much bigger criminal enterprise run by the Colombia and U.S. governments and, just as with Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay and U.S. torture dungeons around the world, and many acts of mass murder, kidnapping, torture, terror, displacement, deliberately created social chaos and theft on an unimaginable scale, the perps who gave the orders, and created the policies, and whose crony corporations and war profiteers hugely benefited from these orders and policies, are running around free, actively immunized and protected by the U.S. government.
This prosecution of a few low level murderers is not enough, and it may, indeed, be part of a coverup.