And his LEFTIST supporters (most Bolivians)?
And his LEFTIST policies--for instance, creating a truly competitive "level playing field" for multinational corporations who want access to a country's resources, and insisting on BENEFITS for the people who live there, such as local manufacturing, decent wages and fair contribution to social programs, as the COMPETITIVE basis for bids?
Where, this Rotters article, are Morales' LEFTIST allies, most notably HUGO CHAVEZ who pioneered the LEFTIST policy of a "level playing field" and BARGAINING with multinationals for the BEST DEAL for the people whose resources the multinationals want to use?
Where, in this Rotters article, is the CONTEXT of good government--social justice, stability, fairness, economic growth, competence, far-sightedness, real democracy, real elections, Indigenous rights, racial equality, environmental protection--that LEFTIST Evo Morales and his LEFTIST government have created in Bolivia, in alliance with HUGO CHAVEZ, Lula da Silva, Rafael Correa and all the other LEFTISTS in South America--that make corporations in South Korea, France, Japan, China and others WANT TO DO BUSINESS THERE?
Where is the CONTEXT of the U.S. (Bush Junta) attempted coup d'etat in Bolivia in 2008, and its funding and support for the violent white separatists; Morales throwing the U.S. ambassador and the DEA out of Bolivia, and the rest of South America UNANIMOUSLY backing the Morales government--the background needed to understand the Morales government's strong bargaining position with regard to multinationals, and possibly explaining the ABSENCE of U.S. corporate bullies and monopolists from this NEW "level playing field"?
MOST of what is important to understanding Bolivia's lithium negotiations is LEFT OUT OF this article. It is a BLACK HOLE into which information and enlightenment have disappeared.
That's why I call them Rotters. They are ROTTEN journalists.
This remarkable international bidding competition--which we've seen in Venezuela, Brazil and Ecuador, with regard to the oil--did not spring from the crabbed brains of the "blue-eyed wonders of Wall Street" (as Lula da Silva described them). It is the creation of LEFTIST governments in Latin America, acting in the interest of their people and their region, and engaging in TRUE capitalism and a TRUE "marketplace" which are anti-monopoly and anti-big bully with big army, and pro-democracy, pro-people, pro-fairness and SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE. The competitive edge goes to the MOST socially responsible corporation--not to the savages, not to the violent, not to the "dog eat doggers," and not to the corporate monsters who have sprung mostly from our shores who install fascist elites and bloody dictators and kill leftists and destroy democracy for the profit of the super-rich.
The long terrible story of U.S. corporate/government ravaging of South America is OVER. And this COMPETITION between the corporations of TEN countries, for Bolivia's lithium, is the story of the FUTURE.
But we will never hear of it from Rotters--or from the Associated Pukes or the rest of the rotten-to-the core "mainstream" media.
Lord, I hate "black hole" lies like this--even more than outright lies. It is so insidious. We can be sure that if there was any negative spin they could put on this story, Rotters would have featured "LEFTIST President Evo Morales" and his LEFTIST government. As they can't find the spin, they leave out who is running Bolivia and making this competition for the lithium contracts possible and desirable.