Businesses actually producing useful things and selling them. Everybody paying their dues, contributing to social programs and the good of the country. People feeling happy, secure, hopeful about the future, ambitious, enterprising.
So much better than U.S. corps and banksters ripping everybody off, looting the treasury, looting "the commons," destroying labor unions, not paying taxes, killing for oil.
Argentina's prosperity is directly attributable to its LEFTIST government, and its past and current LEFTIST presidents, Nestor Kirchner and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, in strong alliance with the LEFTIST Chavez government in Venezuela (which initially helped them out of ruinous World Bank/IMF debt--which had been incurred by ruinous rightwing governments that turned Argentina into a basket case--the most "neo-liberal" ravaged country of them all), the LEFTIST Lula da Silva/Dilma Rousseff government in Brazil and the LEFTIST alliance all over South America (and into Central America).
LEFTISTS = prosperity, fairness, social justice, optimism.
Things are sometimes just that simple--if you don't have corporate-run 'TRADE SECRET' voting machines, that is. If you do, you gotta take care of that first. Then you elect LEFTISTS.
Um, REAL leftists, not fake ones who bow to RW blackmail. Men and women with the strength of old oak trees, like the Kirchners. I was going to say "spines of steel"--which certainly conveys the strength I see in such leaders--leaders who would say, with FDR: "Organized money hates me--and I welcome their hatred!" But it's more than that, it's an ancient kind of wisdom, rooted in the earth, and branching out in a splendid, inclusive canopy. It's alive! Democracy is alive in Latin America!
I was puzzled by "A bit of comic relief"--but I presume you mean the title of the article (--wasn't sure 'til I reluctantly gave the bastards a free click)--that the corpo-fascist press (in this case the L.A. Times) views prosperity created by LEFTISTS to be "an illusion" or maybe "an illusion"? Who knows? Could be, I guess. People working, making things, buying things. Poverty receding. it could be considered an '"illusion" to those who lust to rip it off with ponzi mortgage schemes and vast looting of the public treasury. People working would be an affront to these lazy bums, in any case. Do they dream of actually working?
Argentina and most of South America has given the finger to these Wall Street assholes, and the assholes are now threatening "capital flight." Get this...
"At the same time (that we are planning to try to crash this economy with "capital flight"*), the competitive advantages that Argentine companies such as Apache have enjoyed over the last decade are evaporating because of rising labor costs."
*(My note.)
LOL! You're right. It's a hoot. Demonic but funny. I would like to see John Stewart take it on.
How having money in your pocket is an illusion. How being able to feed your children is an illusion. How working for a living is an illusion. And how Wall Street is not an illusion. Cuz...he-he...with the magic wand of "capital flight," we can take it all away! (Evil grin.)
South America is investing in itself, though--and getting plenty of capital from elsewhere, from countries that are taking advantage of the new "level playing field" in South America, created by LEFTIST governments, where U.S. corporations have been told they can go fuck themselves if they don't play nice and pay their dues.
Oh, really, I do love it.
Pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, out of the pit that the Clintonites and the Bushwhacks had thrown them into, with a little help from their friends--did Argentina. Unity. Cooperation. Social justice. Oak-like LEFTIST leaders. Prosperity for all.