Camila VallejoCopy and paste into your web brower to view the link on Facebook or read it below
Camila Vallejo did not get the majority vote of FECH but only about 700 votes of students out of tens of thousands. Ms. Vallejo is not a rebel. The rebels are the students who starved themselves for education reform. The rebels are the ordinary people, labor unions and students protesting in
the streets. Camila Vallejo spends her time trying to get publicity and trying to get famous. para reflexionar... (me la mandaron no es mia.)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 6:18pm
Estimada Camila:
Parto por decirte que siento pena por ver a una chica tan bonita e
inteligente adherida a ideas tan añejas como el catre de bronce y las
polainas. Si se trata de ser antisistémicos, el anarquismo es harto más
moderno y simpático que el comunismo, que ya forma parte de la arqueología
Al menos el anarquismo tiene algo muy salutífero: no le pone cortapisas a la
libertad. En verdad, abusa de la libertad. aunque no la ahoga.
Ustedes ya ganaron, Camila. El gobierno tiene las puertas más que abiertas y
ahora es el momento de entrar a conversar, de cambiar la descalificación por
el diálogo, las piedras por las propuestas y las consignas por los
El lenguaje de barricada ya devino en ese "infantilismo revolucionario" que
tanto daño le hace al orden establecido, ese que a ratos nos molesta. pero
es el que tenemos y hemos construido entre todos.
Lo podemos cambiar, cierto, pero jamás en torno a la lógica del combo, la
piedra y el escupitajo.
Camila: un viejo adagio dice que hay que predicar con el ejemplo. Antes de
reclamar contra el sistema binominal, de exigir justicia y acusar de falta
de representatividad al gobierno, debes "partir por ordenar la casa".
No sé si estarás enterada de que en la Feuc la situación es muy injusta.
Allí el consejo opera a través de un sistema de sufragios ponderados. Según
el sistema de estos muchachos, un voto de un alumno de la facultad de
Ingeniería (con 3.362 alumnos de pregrado) representa en el consejo un 0,1
del voto final. En cambio, un alumno de las carreras de Física y Matemáticas
(con 410 alumnos de pregrado) representa un 0,7% del voto final. Por lo
tanto, el sufragio emitido por el estudiante de Física vale cinco veces más
que el del alumno de Ingeniería.
¿Es esto ejemplo de representatividad?
Tú tampoco lo haces nada de mal. No toda la opinión pública sabe que fuiste
elegida con sólo 771 votos, de un total de 8.994 sufragios.y en un universo
de 21.547 estudiantes.
Luego, debes poner cuidado a la hora de poner en duda la representatividad
de nuestras autoridades.
Por otra parte, te contaré que con un grupo de profesionales hacemos charlas
de liderazgo y motivación.
Nuestros precios son módicos y por eso tenemos trabajo.
¡Hasta nos hemos dado el lujo de no cobrar cuando hemos estado en escuelas
públicas pobres y en la más absoluta orfandad!
Nos moldeamos a la realidad chilena y cobramos lo justo.
Ahora he sabido que tú también das charlas de liderazgo.
¡Bienvenida la competencia!
Pero cobrar $1.800.000 (un millón 800 mil pesos) por charla, ¿no te parece
un precio prohibitivo para muchos que desean conocerte y escucharte?
¿No estarás abusando de tu minuto de fama?
¿Por qué abominas tanto de las leyes del mercado pero las aplicas a tu favor
cuando te conviene para el lucro personal?
¿No es destruir el ominoso lucro lo que te motiva a dar la cara?
¿En qué quedamos?
Entiendo la impulsividad de la juventud, pero hay que ponerle atajo. Es
cierto que el que no se equivoca nunca, es porque nunca hace nada. El
problema es que ustedes partieron al revés. Por estar mucho tiempo sin hacer
nada, viven equivocándose.
The truth is that Camila Vallejo did not get voted in to be FECH president by the majority of University students, only about 700 students for her and that is it. The majority of Chilean students do the hands on work organizing and protesting in the street while Ms Vallejo poses for the camera. Camila Vallejo may appear to care but one can simply research Jaime Garjardo or any other Labor Union member, or Education Minister and you will find that Camila has only said things about education reform that he has already said many times over many years. There is nothing new nor innovative nor "rebellious" from Ms. Vallejo. We do not enjoy speaking out about this because it may seem indifferent or mean, but it is Ms. Vallejo who has continued to present an untrue and unfair image of herself while the rest of us students do all of the work and organizing. I don't care about their Communist JJCC (Juventudes Comunistas de Chile) agenda except for the fact that the media has taken the false Guardian article and presented complete lies. "The student who can shut down a city" Guardian article was August 24-25 and it was CUT who issued the mass strike and it was CUT who shut down a city. Camila has not mobilized anyone or anything, except for trying to get her picture taken at the right time, you will not see Camila on the street protesting, I mean, give me a break, thousands of students cannot even shut down a city. Is Ms. Vallejo shining the light of education reform or on herself and Communist agenda? Camila hasn't even mentioned all of the REAL REBELS, like the Chilean high school students who were on a hunger strike starving themselves to death for education, like the ordinary people fighting in the streets because they do not have mommy and daddy to hand them everything, like the Labor Unions who have been for years fighting for education and constitutional reform for a better Chile. Camila Vallejo attended private school her whole life and has never even had a job. She is 24 years old, that is not young, there are many younger working professionals already in the Labor Union who are professors and teachers and have families. There is nothing wrong with being blessed, Ms. Vallejo's parents pay for her education and pay for her whole livelihood and her boyfriend, fellow Communist and former FECH president Julio Sarmiento, is also middle to upper class. Nothing wrong with this, but luxury does not really create an authentic rebel. It is great she has never had to struggle or even have a job by her adult age - but how does this make her a rebel? Mr. Sarmiento has spent alot of time behind the scenes acting as a publicist promoting Camila and contacting media outlets. Camila does indeed charge over $3,900 for a speaking engagement - let me put it this way, thousands of students have spoken out against Camila Vallejo's hypocrisy but they are threatened by JJCC Communist party. This note on Facebook is the truth. Camila Vallejo did not even get voted in to FECH by the majority vote of the student population. All you have to do is read and view the JJCC website and you will discover that they are extremely devoted to their Communist cause. Camila Vallejo and Julio Sarmiento have worked hard to promote and sell Camila's image in order to present a new "Brand" and a new way of marketing JJCC Communist party. You will read on the JJCC that they try to dispel the myths around Communism and that they "do not eat babies." What better way to dispel the myth than to create the notion of a "rebel" but it is all typical common protest propaganda to gain attention to a cause, and in this case, ultimately the cause is for JJCC. Read the JJC website. What do you know about Communism? Did you “buy” what they are “selling?” Have you bought into the image so much that it makes you forget that it is for Communist agenda. Does it present a kinder gentler brand of Communism to you? Has it destroyed your image of the fat old mean baby eating man Communist? Mission accomplished.