they have a Puke on their Latin American desk, Rory Carroll, who, besides routinely writing utter crap about the Latin American left, probably steers the Guardian editors to utter crap from the Associated Pukes: newswire.
Notice, first off, the praise of Colombian coca eradication efforts. Reality: It's actually a peasant eradication effort, but don't expect the Associated Pukes to disclose this--mass murder of peasants by the Colombian military and its closely tied rightwing paramilitary death squads, forced displacement of FIVE MILLION peasant farmers from their lands, by state terror (all funded by U.S. taxpayers).
Secondly, notice how heavily this article is weighted toward this very violent war on a plant, which has been pushed by U.S. pesticide corporations and other U.S. war profiteers. Ollanta Humala's leftist government is made to appear erratic (didn't notify the U.S. ambassador--good grief!), is painted as doing a favor for drug gangs and even the old "Shining Path" guerrillas and is portrayed as not really having the right to reconsider this violent war because, hey, the people who lost the recent election think it was great!
The BLACK HOLE that is Colombia is the massive hidden gravitational CONTEXT of this issue in Latin America--the un-world into which billions and billions of U.S. taxpayer and local dollars disappear, with no abeyance of the cocaine trade whatsoever. The U.S. "war on drugs" is not just a failed program, it is a place where reality and lies are reversed. Lies rule! Neither the U.S. government nor the fascist forces in LatAm have any intention of ending the cocaine trade. Their purposes are militarism, a police state, murder, mayhem and CONTROL of the poor populations who elect leftist governments whenever they get the chance. And, under Bush Junta rule, I believe that the cocaine trade and its trillion+ dollar revenue stream out of Colombia was consolidated and its bigger drug lords favored by Bush pal, Alvaro Uribe, who ran Colombia's government like a Mob operation. In short, reality was literally reversed: the "war on drugs" enhanced and entrenched the underworld establishment and cemented it with the overworld establishment.
Latin America is turning against the U.S. "war on drugs." A group of former presidents of Mexico recently called for legalization of marijuana and complete re-thinking of the "war on drugs"--partly because of the murder and mayhem that the Bush Junta instigated on the Mexican border, by infusing billions of U.S. military dollars into Mexico's most fascist elements, very possibly, once again, to favor the big drug organizations that put their money into the right bank accounts. Bolivia, right next door to Peru, recently legalized the coca leaf (but not cocaine) and even sanctified it in the Bolivian constitution as the traditional medicine herb of Indigenous tribes. (Bolivia's president, Evo Morales, also threw the DEA out of Bolivia, along with the U.S. (Bush Junta) ambassador for colluding with white separatist rioters and murderers.) Humala's and his minister Soberón's reconsideration of this corrupt war is MAINSTREAM in Latin America. The Associated Pukes--by its highly selective use of quoted sources and prejudicial "framing"--portrays it as radical, off-the-wall, unconventional and suspect.
Apparently, the Associated Pukes likes the slaughter of peasants and leftists in Colombia under the guise of the "war on drugs" and wants to see the corruption and war profiteering and the political rise of Mob bosses like Uribe continue. Next they'll be tagging Humala as a "dictator," like they have other Leftist presidents in Latin America because they aren't fascist pigs willing to poison and murder peasants for growing a few coca leaves. Who are the real "dictators" of this world? The Associated Pukes will never tell you the truth about this or anything else. That's how they got their new business name...
Associated :puke:s