Formerly unpublished telegrams, kept in secret for more than a decade, shed light in the tense and conflicting relationship between Brazil and US right after the Brazilian redemocratization.
According to the documents, the Brazilian embassy in Washington, DC, was phone-hacked. Brazilian ambassador to Washington at the time, Rubens Antonio Barbosa, related the telephone tapping to the Ministry of External Relations in Brasilia and also communicated the U.S. Department of State, but there was no reaction.
Among the confidential documents released, at least 261 diplomatic cables relate accusations of US espionage and violation of correspondence and luggages of Brazilian diplomats, as well as criticism toward U.S. foreign and domestic policy.
Translated and adapted from Portuguese:
The Brazilian Ministry of External Relations (Itamaraty) released a package of about 1 million documents for public consultation, most of which diplomatic cables from Brazilian embassies around the world, produced between 1990 e 2001. They are avaiable online, only in Portuguese, in this website: