Gen. Eduardo Gordon presented his resignation to Pinera on Friday. The civilian sourpuss is Rodrigo Hinzpeter, Pinera's Interior Minister and the top law official in te government. There is speculation that Hinzpeter could be the next to go.
There was an article by a blogger yesterday that said Gen. Gordon had ordered altered a traffic accident report involving his son in July of last year. The son smacked his vehicle into the car of a 22-year-old student at a red light in Santiago and he took off. A passenger with the student was able to jot down the license number. The young lady said Gordon's son later gave her the equivalent of 600 dollars to fix the damage to her car.
When Carabineros discovered that it was Gordon's son, he was advised and his son's name was taken off the accident report.
The story broke yesterday, and Gen. Gordon was summoned to La Moneda this morning where his 37-year career came to a crashing and ignominious end.
Gordon denied having the accident report altered; he said he was resigning because of health reasons and "of pressures" on the Carabineros institution recently.
A lot of that pressure came from the slaying of a 16-year-old youth last week by a Carabineros noncom during a demonstration. The Carabinero has since been drummed out of the institution and is jailed. Nine other officers were sanctioned by Gordon, including a general.
There has also been heavy criticism of the heavy-handed way Carabineros attacked student and labor demonstrations recently. Today, Carabineros detained about 30 high school students who were demonstrating.
Just another episode to increase Pinera's bile before the weekend.