Threatened Workers Need Legal Recognition
Workers at Bochica Farms formed a union in January and immediately began receiving death threats. The company is refusing to negotiate with the union and the Miami based distributor, Spectrum Flowers, is not responding to requests for intervention.
Write to Spectrum and demand that they defend the workers from threats and intimidation, and help to negotiate a resolution to the conflict that supports the rights of the workers who grow their flowers.
According to the Escuela Nacional Sindical (ENS) and the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), on January 28, 2007, the Unión de Trabajadores de Exportaciones Bochica S.A. CI formed at the EXPORTACIONES BOCHICA SA CI flower company. The following day, the union filed the paperwork for legal recognition from the government.
The manager of the company, Hugo Cifuentes, held a meeting with all of the workers in which he stated that the company did not want a union. Shortly thereafter, he approached several union members and pressured them to disaffiliate. At another meeting, in which individuals in military uniform were present, the manager warned workers of the dangers of forming a union in Colombia.
Two days after this meeting, the union president, treasurer, and auditor received written threats, supposedly from the AGUILAS NEGRAS DEL ORIENTE. According to these threats, if the union members did not cease their union activity, they could become military targets.