For any lurking radio and other media people out there who are bringing up health care reform on their programs, I have a serious question for you to ask any Congressperson or Senator you interview about this matter. To a one, every one of them bring up the mantra that we have to have private insurance in the mix because many people want to keep their present insurance. The only person who was honest about it was Maxine Waters who claimed that most of the corporatists in Congress are speaking with forked tongue. When I do my own informal survey among family, friends, acquaintances and patients where I work, I don't know one who would keep their present insurance if they had a choice for a comprehensive plan like HR 676 (Medicare for all) instead.
Please ask them if there is going to be any effort to make an official study to document just exactly how many people, if given a choice, would keep their present insurance? There seems to be no such study to document this? I'm sure there will be those like the 13% that think George Bush did fine job as President who would say yes, but I would bet my own insurance plan that a majority would rather have a public option like Medicare. Please ask them if any one has documented this claim with actual facts and figures and if they intend to before going off crafting a plan without knowing what plan the people want?