I expect we all know what happened at the Rainbow Lounge in Fort Worth, Texas. It seems the Texas ABC report has some interesting things to say, read about it at link:
http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/tx/6563498.htmlThe Fort Worth Police Dept. is also conducting an investigation though I am unhappy with what they currently have to say about it. From Police Chief Jeff Halstead, on the Fort Worth Plo lice web site:
http://www.fortworthpd.com/pdf%20files/2009/Temporary/img-706104135-0001.pdfI'm gathering up contact info and will post it here as I dig it up, so far I only have the Fort Worth Police Dept.:
Phone - 817-392-4270
Email -
http://www.fortworthpd.com/email.htmI have not yet found a way to contact the Chief directly but I am still looking, also for Texas ABC contact info, will update soon.
Go get em :D