Yeah to the group! Now lets get the activism started! Here is what was just posted on Bilerico: love Barak Obama. When I saw that 2004 DNC keynote, I didn't see a local politician but a President. I sat there leaning forward on my ripped vinyl college-apartment couch--eyes wide in amazement like Coco Peru--I knew he'd be a Kennedy. I fell for him immediately, my Congressional Crush! I worked hard to get him elected in 2008 and with hundreds of other overjoyed youth, rioted in the streets of Champaign, IL on election night! Even my Republican father wept with joy the night that Obama won. It was the culmination of all my hopes.
But I'm not going to vote for him in 2012.
That is unless he keeps his promises. Upon his election, Obama put forth an 8 point LGBT Civil Rights agenda which included the following:
LGBT-inclusive Hate Crimes Statute
Employment Non-Descrimination Act
Civil Unions
DOMA Repeal
Expansion of Adoption Rights
Promote AIDS Prevention
Microbicides Development Act
To this day--7 months in--the agenda is stalled. Apparently, they left it stuck on the fridge in Chicago. We've gotten 'relocation benefits' for Federal employees, and maybe a lift of the HIV travel ban. However, there was that horrible DOJ DOMA brief. Maybe, like law expert blogger Chris Geidner says, the White House is obligated to file the brief in favor, but that language was unforgivable. Though he didn't write it--nor even read it--at one time, someone else who sat in that chair at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. set out a plaque on his desk saying "The Buck Stops Here." Every American should still reasonably expect that.
We can help President Obama with ENDA, DOMA-repeal and Hate Crimes by contacting our elected officials at and Hound them until you know what they're voting, and make sure they vote right!
Mr. President, I urge you to keep your promises, and to make real the American Dream for millions of Americans and their loved ones who want to believe in you!
I agree with this - in-fact I have committed to calling and writing a letter (not email) to my House members and Senators once a week until they act.