Let's see...
number two is Pigboy.
number three is a black teabagger named Kenneth Gladney.
number four is Glenn Beck.
number five is the head of the Congressional Budget Office, who according to Surber "seems to be cranking out numbers the White House does not like." Uhh...that's what they do.
number six is the man who bought The Greenbrier hotel in West Virginia and built a casino in it.
number seven are 23 actual heroes who won the Carnegie Hero Medal.
number eight are Boehner and McConnell.
number nine is Sully Sullenberger.
number ten is the female member of the team who went around "trying to get business advice from ACORN on running a whorehouse."
number eleven is one of the big names in the Climate Change Denial Business.
number twelve is Rick Santelli.
number thirteen is the cop who busted Professor Gates at the professor's own home.
number fourteen is Andrew Breitbart, right-wing webmaster
and number 15 is the man who jumped the underwear bomber.
Remove from this list the head of the CBO (who got on here for doing what CBO heads have ALWAYS done), the Carnegie heroes, Sully and Jasper Schuringa, and what are you left with? The Right Wing Do Nothing Hall of Fame. You could arguably take the guy who bought the hotel off, since he rehired a lot of people and sunk quite a bit of money into this place, but what leaves him on the list, at least to me, is the casino. So...Sarah Palin seems to be the right man to be Man of the Year on this list of worthlessies.
Let's giggle a little: "Had Obama's mansion deal received one-tenth the scrutiny that her shopping for clothes received..." << IIRC Obama saved up his book royalties and paid cash for his home. Now, if Sarah Palin's mansion deal had received one-tenth the scrutiny that her shopping for clothes received, her favorite Bible phrase would be Matthew 25:36:
I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."Tagging Obamacare as having 'death panels' rattled the lefty cages and woke up Americans to the rationing of health care that was right around the bend." << It also earned her the Lie of the Year award. Unfortunately it didn't wake right wing America up to the rationing of health care that's already in the system. Sorry, guys, that's how it works.
"The Washington Post's book reviewer bragged that she did not read Sarah Palin's book." << No, she stuck to weightier, more substantial tomes like Spider-Man comics.
"The people who shop at Wal-Mart bought one million copies of her autobiography in just two weeks." << I didn't know Richard Mellon Scaife shopped at Walmart.
"She beat corruption in Wasilla. She beat corruption in Alaska." << She HERSELF is corrupt. Let's start with her house, which was built by the same contractors who built the Wasilla Sports Complex. And you can read more at
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122065537792905483.html, It also seems that Palin's house has the EXACT SAME WINDOWS as the Wasilla Sports Complex, which to most right-wingers wouldn't matter: "So what?" Well, "so what" is you don't put commercial windows in a residence--they're really expensive and they're made differently.
"She did this despite nearly universal adulation in the press for him and nearly universal condemnation in the press for her." << This confirms our suspicions that Fox News, MSNBC, CNN and the rest aren't actually "the press." If running down Democrats and the president counts as adulation and treating Sarah Palin as if she's the Second Coming is condemnation, I have five feet and six hands.
"She does not hide who she is." << No, she just hides.
"There is no one underneath her bus." << Well, except for all the people she threw there...
"The question anymore is not whether she is ready for the presidency..." << Only true statement here. No one asks that question because we know the answer: No. And she probably never will be,
Basically, this is teabagger whacking material. Palin will never run for president not because she doesn't want to face "hostile" press, but because the closet with her skeletons in it is large and has a poor lock.