Edited on Fri Jan-08-10 01:24 AM by denem
The currency is devalued and debased.
This is a comment about GD: Primaries, the period when DU rules are relaxed, so slander, hatred and pure malice get real elbow room. A new baseline is established, which, after the GE, persists as background toxic waste: Battle hardened warriors slash away in the sludge.
In the primaries, threads which included 'Hillary is a murderer' 'Bill Clinton is a rapist' were not deleted. I supported Obama, and was most offended. 'Obama is bad as Bush' appeared about the same time, before the man was even ahead in delegates.
A proposal to 'raise the tone' of discourse is met with slightly less derision than good news about the economy. After all, who is to judge?
The mods have a difficult enough job without my preaching. I don't have any answers, but as fewer threads become thoughtful discussions of facts and ideas, you get a bag of wooden nickels.
If I might make one modest proposal. Keep the rules of the Primary Season the normal rules. As the gladiators work out their most hurtful lines of attack during those times, they are unlikely to put down those weapons when the real business of Government begins.