We're near the finish line on health care reform, but before we celebrate we have to overcome one of the biggest hurdles -- merging the Senate and House bills.
The House bill is better, but we can't finish this fight without support in the Senate.1 And the decision by powerful Democrats to negotiate the last details of the bill behind closed doors makes our job even harder.2
It's a tough fight, but we've come too far to turn back now, and this is our LAST CHANCE. Sign this letter to tell our leaders to finish reform right:
http://salsa.wiredforchange.com/o/5831/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=489&tag=tmUnder debate -- Who should be taxed: middle-income families on their benefits, or high-earning CEOs on their bonuses?3 Should a woman's right to choose be protected, or overruled?4 And should we have the choice of a public insurance plan, or be forced to pay insurance companies for coverage?5
Over the last few days, tens of thousands of health care activists and hundreds of national organizations have signed this letter telling Congress to finish reform right. A national television ad is on the air pushing the same changes.
We're speaking with one voice to Congress and President Obama and it's having an impact.6
This fight started when people like you demanded real reform. We can't finish it without you. Sign the letter now and tell Congress to finish reform right.
Darcy Scott Martin
TrueMajority / USAction