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National air wars heat up in Mass. Senate special

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shopgreen Donating Member (190 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-12-10 08:09 PM
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National air wars heat up in Mass. Senate special

National air wars heat up in Mass. Senate special

One week before Massachusetts voters head to the polls to choose a replacement for the late Ted Kennedy, a bevy of national groups are flooding the state's television airwaves.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is spending more than a half million dollars on ads while the Service Employees International Union, one of the most politically active members of the labor coalition, has also bought ad time in support of state Attorney General Martha Coakley (D).

On the other side of the ledger, the conservative American Future Fund has been up with an ad bashing Coakley on taxes for the past few days while the Chamber of Commerce and the National Republican Trust PAC are buying ad time to boost state Sen. Scott Brown's (R) candidacy.

The attention now being paid to the race suggests two things: the contest, once expected to be a walk in the park for Coakley, has tightened considerably, and no less than the fate of the health care bill is at stake.

Polling is all over the board in the race with several automated surveys showing Coakley with a single digit lead while a Boston Globe survey pegged her margin at 15 and an internal Democratic poll -- released on Monday -- said the same.

It remains to be seen what the cumulative effect of all the ad spending in the final week of the contest will be. If voters, not accustomed to a full-blown campaign ten months before election day, tune out all of the back and forth, Coakley should win solely on her demographic edge in the state. If the ads being launched by conservatives can sway independent/unaffiliated voters who are already unhappy with the status quo in Washington, Brown could have a fighting chance.

Stay tuned.
By Chris Cillizza | January 12, 2010; 2:04 PM ET
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Cha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-12-10 08:27 PM
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1. Thanks~
Come on Martha!:bounce:
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