You may not like her. She may not have been your candidate during the election. It was not mine. But the implications in terms of politics of her loss will be more centrist wishy washy policies.
Digby says that a lot better than I can.
Obviously, the question is why and one assumes that the main reason is that unemployment is still very high and people are starting to get a bit panicked that it's not coming back right away. (I'm guessing that the spectacle of wealthy bankers complaining about people objecting to their ostentatious display of greed isn't making that any better.) So, where does that leave the Democrats and how can we predict they will respond?
I think a lot depends upon this election in Massachusetts, frankly. If Martha Coakley loses, it will be very bad for progressives. Worse than we can imagine. After the so-called lessons of Virginia and New Jersey, there will be no fighting back the perception that the party is in big trouble, regardless of whether it's true --- and it's hard to argue at that point that it isn't. Sadly, the lesson that will be taken from losing Ted Kennedy's seat to a right wing Republican is not that the Democrats have been too liberal, I guarantee it. What will follow will likely be a sharp turn to the right.
Seriously, if you live in Massachusetts, do get yourself out to vote for Martha Coakley and volunteer to help if you can. A loss will be so devastating that I'm afraid the Democrats will end up calling to invade Yemen and institute shoot to kill orders for illegal immigrants if they don't win this race. They will panic, bet on it.