It has all become reflexive and has the potential to be very dangerous.
To the best of my abilities I try to understand where people are coming from. The last year sucked as a whole. Many posters are out of work, paying off high debt, doing without raises. Hell, I made about 1/5 in 2009 compared to 2006. Does that make me post that 2006 was better than 2009, thus I want things back to the way the were in '06? From a financial viewpoint, hell yes, but no way in hell do I want a republican to ever be in control again. Because a short term gain does not make up for a long term loss, and my personal gain had nothing to do with repuke policies, (well a little bit because I took it out on my repub owner for Bush's election in '04 via a very beneficial contract) and the current financial situation can be directly tied to repub policies.
A lot of people seem to want the payback immediately and have no interest in incremental gains, thus the daily comments "he is no different than bush," and the belittling of every victory by Obama.
As for your comment about healthcare % to GNP, that was rarely brought up during the entire media debate. From a competitive standpoint that is the KEY question. So is the first step to stop the increase or is it to drop it by 8 points. To me the first step is always to stop the bleeding, then heal the patient.