Obama Tapes Robocall For Coakley, Hails Her As “My Ally”
In a last-minute push to get Dems to the polls in the razor-close Massachusetts Senate race, President Obama has cut a robocall on behalf of Dem Martha Coakley, urging voters to recognize the enormous stakes in the election and hailing her as a crucial “ally” in passing his agenda.
A Democrat sends over the script of the DNC-funded call, which is set to start later today, and Obama, who rarely cuts robocalls, apologizes to voters for the intrusion but says the election’s importance justified it:
Hi, this is President Barack Obama. I rarely make these calls and I truly apologize for intruding on your day. But I had to talk to you about the election in Massachusetts on Tuesday because the stakes are so high.
In Washington, I’m fighting to curb the abuses of a health insurance industry that routinely denies care. I’m fighting for financial reforms to stop Wall Street from playing havoc with our economy. I’m fighting to create a new clean energy economy and it’s clear now that the outcome of these and other fights will probably rest on one vote in the United States Senate.
We know where Martha Coakley stands. As your attorney general, Martha has taken on Wall Street’s schemes, insurance company abuses and big polluters on your behalf. She represents the best progressive values of Massachusetts. She‘ll be your voice and my ally.
But a lot of people don’t even realize there is an election on Tuesday to fill the unexpired term of Ted Kennedy. They don’t realize why it’s so important. So please, come out to vote for Martha Coakley. And make sure everyone you know understands the stakes for their families, Massachusetts and our country.
I was unable to determine precisely who the calls are targeting. It’s still an open question whether Obama himself will campaign in Massachusetts — the decision may depend on what tracking polls show in the next 24 to 48 hours — but obviously Dems have calculated that pumping Obama’s voice into Massachusetts homes will do more good than harm.