ABC This Week with Jake Tapper: Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and Rajiv Shah, director of USAID, and roundtable with George Will, Tucker Carlson and Donna Brazile.
Bloomberg Political Capital with Al Hunt: Rep. Christopher Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Hans Nichols, Peter Cook and Kate O'Beirne of Bloomberg News.
CBS Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer: Bush, Clinton, Gen. Ken Keen of the U.S. Southern Command, and Shah.
CNN GPS with Fareed Zakaria: "Strength in What Remains" author Tracy Kidder, "Devil's Dream" Madison Smartt Bell, "The Rainy Season: Haiti Since Duvalier" author Amy Wilentz, "SuperFreakonomics" author Stephen Dubner, ex-N.Y. Gov. Eliot Spitzer, "No Logo" author Naomi Klein and "Comeback: Conservatism That Can Win Again" author David Frum.
CNN State of the Union with John King: Gen. Keen, Shah, Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C. Delegate) and Mary Matalin and James Carville.
Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace: Gen. Keen, Shah, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and a panel with Fox News contributors Bill Kristol, Nina Easton, Charles Krauthammer and Juan Williams.
NBC Meet the Press with David Gregory: Bush, Clinton, Gen. Keen, Shah and a round table with John Podesta and "Game Change" co-author Mark Halperin.