From blueNC:
Digging in Federal paperwork this week I came across an unfamiliar name that led to this curious statement on a Facebook page:
Have you noticed that Senator Burr has suddenly become a little more visible? The Party is concerned that he’s the most vulnerable Republican Senator preparing for 2010 elections. The John Locke Foundation states that he’s not unpopular just unknown and needs to define himself before the electorate. Where has he been since he first arrived in Washington in 1994? Fifteen years later and you’re still unknown, Senator? Where have you been hiding? You haven’t been in North Carolina listening to the people who elected you!
What to make of this? ...
I had come across a recent IRS filing for "Burks for Senate Committee". I assumed it was a state race until I came to the bottom of the form which read "The purpose of Burks For Senate Committee is to elect Eddie Burks to the US Senate for NC." My real surprise was to discover he's a Republican.
Eddie Burks is a conservative Republican member of the Asheboro City Council. A major claim to fame and, clue to his position on issues, is strident but unsuccessful opposition to alcohol sales in Asheboro, which had been dry for years, at least until a 2008 referendum. Supporting the referendum was then City Councilman Keith Crisco, now NC Secretary of Commerce, who was part of the 4/3 majority in May 2008 that put the referendum on the ballot. In July 2008 voters decided that the city should have ABC stores, beer and wine sales, and liquor-by-the-drink in bars and restaurants. Later in August the same 4/3 majority voted in new ABC board members. Burks, who was part of the candidate selection process, voted against the new members including one he had recommended.