I finally found news from Memphis about SSG Merriweather.

Sgt. Daniel Merriweather holds his newborn son Daniel Merriweather Jr., now 3 months old

Army Staff Sgt. Daniel Dewayne Merriweather
Memphis soldier killed in Afghanistan
By Ryan Poe
Posted January 15, 2010 at 5:26 p.m. , updated January 15, 2010 at 10:56 p.m.A Memphis soldier was killed in Afghanistan this week when the Humvee he was driving triggered a roadside bomb, family members said Friday.
Army Staff Sgt. Daniel Dewayne Merriweather, 25, was killed by the blast on Wednesday, along with another, unidentified soldier in the vehicle, according to family members.
Merriweather, who lived with his wife Rachelle near Fort Bragg, N.C., last saw his family in October when he returned home for two weeks for the birth of his second child.
He is the 13th soldier from the Memphis area killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since the conflicts began. The last casualty from the Greater Memphis area was 21-year-old Brandon Owens who was killed Oct. 2, also in Afghanistan.
Merriweather had served two previous tours of duty — first in Afghanistan, then in Iraq — before he was shipped back to Afghanistan in May 2009, said his sister Adrienne Winton, 27, of Chicago.
She said her brother joined the Army in 2002, shortly after graduating from Overton High School, where he studied broadcast journalism and played football.