The support from Dems of the President is somewhat soft and getting softer.
That report also says "Three in four
Democrats think President Obama has been a good or very good president", which is a
drop of about 10% from several months ago.
It is evident that they like him and want to "believe", but they are concerned about his policies. Only
35% of respondents thought that Obama has "
brought change to Washington".
This one I am sure the President will be watching. Are people losing trust or is is a reflection of his time in office. He is going to need to increase these numbers or they will indicate further softening:
All of them 2%
Most of them 17%
Some of them 43%
Hardly any 32%"
So 75% think that he has only been keeping "some" or hardly any (Repubs no doubt) promises.
Another Poll out today at MSNBC has his leadership rate at only 54%, so there is a lot of variation depending on how the question is asked. TABLE HAS BEEN RANKED BY THE PERCENTAGE WHO SAY FEEL POSITIVE
Feel Positive
Feel Neutral
Feel Negative
Not Sure
As the First Family with his wife and children ....... 72 21 5 2 <222>
As a person........................................................... 64 25 9 2 <217>
As a leader............................................................ 54 18 27 1 <218>
In representing America abroad............................ 52 17 30 1 <221>
As commander-in-chief ......................................... 46 22 31 1 <220>
On his stands on issues........................................ 41 25 33 1 <219>