The loss tonight is attributable to more than style but our inability to articulate a compelling political vision for the country is deeply disturbing. I wish this was just a case of a guy who posed in the nude, protects obscene bank profits and owns mansions and yet was able to get the support of values voters, irate populists and working class Democrats. But this is the third win by right wing wolves in moderate clothing. The President better not view this as an aberration. This is the way these guys operate. We can no longer hold out the hope of bi partisanship.We can no longer assume that because our policies are right that they will be understood. We need to go back to our Democratic roots and be proud of what we are proposing. No one will flock to the banner of bills being espoused as this is the best we could do. We are failing the first test of an incumbent political party. We are failing to govern. We are failing because we have accepted the rules of engagement that the GOP has so far dictated. No more. We have the presidency and large majorities in both houses. Let's figure out how to pass real health reform with 50 + Joe in the Senate. Let's strip Lieberman and any Blue Dog in the House of any chairmanships and attendant perks. Let's act like we won an election, explain our actions and win in 2010. The image that should be before us is the Carter/Reagan dichotomy. Carter was right but tentative, Reagan was wrong but authoritative. We know we are right in our policies. Let's be bold in acting on them.