I was perusing some of Brown's policy issues and found these tidbits:
- Brown supported the 2006 Massachusetts health care reform, which requires all residents to purchase health insurance.
- Brown stated that he personally believes that marriage is between a man and a woman, but refers to the currently legalized same-sex marriage in Massachusetts as a settled issue.
- Brown supports legalized abortion and Roe v. Wade, calling it "the law of the land".
- Brown supports expanding solar power, wind power, nuclear power, and offshore drilling exploration as a means to reduce the country's dependence on foreign oil.
That's not exactly embracing the Palindroid, Far Right base by any means. Granted, he's a war hawk and has other tributes that most Blue Dog Democrats would agree with, but with some nudging and cajoling, I can see where he might be more in the moderate Republican category and be wanting to go "bi-partisan" in some legislation.
If Brown supports the Massachusetts style of the Public Option, there is a possibility that he can be cornered to be consistent. The same with Same-Sex marriage, abortion rights and perhaps even Climate Change legislation.
As Ted would say, we need to move on. I have. Coakley ran a case-study campaign in what NOT to do when running for office and that should be what we focus on. Non mealy-mouthed crap... full-throated populism is what needs to be the formula.
Take the Scott Brown victory for what it really was... a poorly run campaign by an opponent who took a vacation in the middle of the campaign and who walked into needless corners of defense and portrayed a perception that a victory was inevitable and an entitlement.
We need to remind gleeful Republicans that the winner of the Senate race is for same-sex marriage, is pro-choice, pro-cleantech/alternative energy and likes state government-run mandated health care.