That's the message from the White House. Oh, and Congress? Keep health care alive, but wait for Senator Brown to be seated.
Anytime that any party holding an office says the magic words, "Time to move forward," you know that they haven't a clue of what just happened. Even worse, they are even more clueless about their next step.
"Time to move forward" is little more than a canard, a time filler much like um, er, ah, when a bad speaker is giving a poorly drafted speech.
"Time to move forward" is a crutch, a way to plaster over the major problems that you previously ignored.
"Time to move forward" was exactly what the Captain of the Titanic said, ignoring the rising waters, the lack of lifeboats, and the general mayhem within his own ranks.
"Time to move forward" will be the label of this Administration from this day forward. As its members start polishing up their resumes in advance of the 2012 elections.
TIME TO MOVE FORWARD? Are you fucking kidding me? That implies "Staying the Course" and "We need to sharpen our message" or maybe, " We must do better communicating our ideas to the people."
If the Obama Administration thinks that "Time to move forward" is the best that they can do, there is no hope for this administration. That unwieldy herd of cats known as the House of Representatives won't respect him, much less fear him. And that over-bribed, constipated, mentally deficient collection of prima donas, (aka The US Senate) won't risk rocking their corporate fund-raising boats - ever.
RIP, Obama Administration. RIP. If only you had acting like you campaigned. Unfortunately, you have done anything but.