Edited on Fri Jan-22-10 01:23 PM by rufus dog
The "Liberal" media outlet is spending all day on the following:
John Edwards affair Putting Democrats on the defensive about Bank Regulation, the market is tanking, you will ruin the recovery by going at the banks, and Obama is on the brink of failure in regards to Healthcare. Andrea is currently showing a picture of Obama and "reporting" on the meaning and what she says he is saying, and of course it is negative. Add to it that they continue to state he is moving to the left, and implying that is bad.
This crap after spending the past year creating a new hurdle that Obama must clear or it is all over.
So I see all these posts on DU relating to why are voters so dumb, why do they vote against their best interests?
Could it be that the general population doesn't pay as much attention as you, and if they go to a "liberal" media outlet they get this, let alone, Faux, or other less "liberal" outlets.
Add to this and everyone wants more completely ignoring how every change is presented to the general public. Reality is a bitch.