Yes, they are the two halves our our national orange, but what purpose do they serve in a Corporatist paradise?
Really, think about this.
We rage against Conservative fascists and they rail against liberal socialists, but what comes out of that conflict. Corporatism is not Conservative. A government of Corporations, by Corporations, and for Corporations isn't part of that pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, rugged individualistic, John Wayneish, go it alone political philosophy any more than Corporatism is part of government as a tool, social networking, humanistic policy loving, liberalism.
To me, the great Liberal/Conservative debate benefits Corporatists. Yes, we complain that they are the natural ally of "Conservative Republicans" but if you look at the record, when a "Liberal" Democrat or a "Conservative" Republican walks away from that career, how many find them selves scratching for a living and how many find cushy jobs on corporate boards and speeches for money, or simply fall into the Corporate Welfare net making a million plus a year?
Though I have spent some time raging and railing against conservatives, I don't think they are the problem. My personality, education, and experiences makes them a useful target to keep my sites on. My bother, a very far right Christian Conservative sees we "commie librls" as the enemy of everything right and good in the world. We are both pissed off about the banks and the bank bailouts. We are both angry about corporations moving jobs offshore. We are both incensed over the rising cost of health care, college, and just living. Those are not the only problems we agree exist. We just see the culprit as different boogieman.
So maybe pitting Liberal against Conservative isn't what we should be doing. Maybe we should think in terms of influence. Who has influence? How do they use that influence? Who benefits?
Follow the money...