Obama: 'We've Run Into Buzz Saw' On Health Care
Christina Bellantoni | January 22, 2010, 12:45PM
President Obama will be talking about jobs at a community college in Lorain County, Ohio this afternoon, but will address the "frenzy" over the fate of health care reform that's happened since Democrats lost their 60th seat Tuesday in Massachusetts.
"I have to admit, we've run into a bit of a buzz saw along the way," Obama will say today, according to remarks prepared for delivery and distributed by the White House.
He also said he would not walk away, but pivoted to say he wants Congress to pass a jobs bill. The town hall, scheduled for 2 p.m., will include a question-and-answer session so it's possible Obama will offer more detail on a way forward.
But members of Congress are concerned that the president has taken a hands-off approach since Tuesday's special election where Republican Scott Brown beat Democrat Martha Coakley. The fate of the measure is uncertain and key Democrats are calling for a breather.
Here's the key bit from Obama's prepared text:
I took this up because I want to ease the burdens on all the families and small businesses that can't afford to pay outrageous rates. I want to protect mothers, fathers, children from being targeted by the worst practices of the insurance industry.
Now, we've gotten pretty far down the road, but I have to admit, we've run into a bit of a buzz saw along the way. The long process of getting things done runs headlong into the special interests, their armies of lobbyists, and partisan politics aimed at exploiting fears instead of getting things done. And the longer it's taken, the uglier the process has looked.
I know folks in Washington are in a little bit of a frenzy this week, trying to figure out what the election in Massachusetts the other day means for health insurance reform, for Republicans and Democrats, and for me. This is what they love to do.