*WARS fully funded and EXPANDING. Bill sent to our children…...Mission Accomplished !
*Trillion Dollars given to friends and campaign contributors on Wall Street. No Strings Attached...Mission Accomplished!
*Military Spending INCREASED....Mission Accomplished!
*Trillion+ Dollars given to the Health Insurance Industry. Easily Avoidable,
symbolic only strings attached....Mission
almost Accomplished!
*Force all Americans to buy invisible products from
For Profit Corporations who manufacture nothing and create no wealth (value added).....Mission
almost Accomplished!
*Kill the possibility for a REAL "Public Option" or REAL Universal Health Care for at least another generation, and begin the “Entitlement Reform” defunding of Medicare (-$500 Billion)....Mission almost Accomplished!
ANY REAL re-regulation of BIG BANKS and Credit Cards....Mission Accomplished!
*Protect the Bush War Criminals and Torturers from JUSTICE....Mission Accomplished.
*Throw the GBLTs under the bus and expand "faith based" initiatives....Mission Accomplished!
*Reinforce the worst
Police State provisions of the Patriot Act....Mission Accomplished!
*Protect the very richest. Tell the
Working Class that they
CAN WILL compete with 3rd World Slave Labor for their jobs.....Mission Accomplished!
*EFCA (Employee Free Choice Act) killed in the crib....Mission Accomplished!
*More Anti-LABOR "Free Trade"....Mission almost Accomplished!
*Jobless Recovery....Mission Accomplished
*The Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party SHUT OUT of the Obama Administration…...Mission Accomplished!
*Accelerate the destruction of Public Education...Mission Accomplished!
*Bury next generation under such a debt burden that they will never be able to afford any social or economic programs that will benefit
their Working Class....Mission Accomplished.
AND, ALL that in less than a year.
"I did not campaign on a Public Option.":party:
"There are forces within the Democratic Party who want us to sound like kinder, gentler Republicans. I want us to compete for that great mass of voters that want a party that will stand up for working Americans, family farmers, and people who haven't felt the benefits of the economic upturn."---Paul Wellstone