The answer is no.
I read something somewhere about a journalist having said that liberal comedian (Bill Maher) stated that President Obama is "worse than Cheney." In fact, the journalist did not accuse Maher of such thing nor did Maher say Obama is worse than Cheney.
I personally believe that Obama is 10,000 times better than Cheney, and I don't see any Republican who could do a better job than Obama. But let's focus on
the story, written by Niall O'dowd of
Maher did not even say Obama is as bad as Cheney. The only comparision Maher did was one that was considered
a joke by O'Dowd:
IRISH CENTRAL: He (Maher) was also deeply critical --and hilariously so -- of Obama's failure to press home his agenda like Dick Cheney and George Bush were able to do despite what the electorate thought.
In short, Maher joked about Obama not doing what he promised to do (although I personally believe Obama has kept many of his promises).
Does anyone even doubt whether Maher supported or opposed Cheney and Bush? Can anyone honestly say that Maher came to the conclusion that Obama's policies are worse to our nation than Cheney's?
1) At no point does Maher say Obama is worse then Cheney
2) At no point is Maher quoted directly in this piece. Instead, he is paraphrased; that is, O'dowd tells us with his own words what he thought Maher said.
3) No video is provided.
4) No audio is provided.
The claim that O'Dowd/Irishcentral said that Maher said Obama is worse than Cheney first appeared in the
irresponsible right-wing website
The reason why a freeper would distort the Irishcentral report is clear: to create the impression that Obama is so bad that even a very liberal personality says he's worse than Cheney. Although this distortion is despicable, those on the left who hate Maher would find it convenient to spread the same falsehood, in order to discredit him.
Whatever happened to being skeptical until we see the words and context of those words before criticizing an individual? This is why Drudge and Politico have thrived. They post bold, big (though unsubstantiated) titles, knowing that people hate to read and get to the bottom of things. People love big bold shocking headlines.