I've seen a number of draft Amendments floating around out there. Here's some workable, reasonable language we ought to get people behind.
Proposed Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
SECTION 1. The U.S. Constitution protects only the rights of living human beings.
SECTION 2. Corporations and other institutions granted the privilege to exist shall be subordinate to any and all laws enacted by citizens and their elected governments.
SECTION 3. Congress shall have the power to prohibit Corporations and other for-profit institutions from attempting to influence the outcome of elections, legislation or government policy through the use of aggregate resources or by rewarding or repaying employees or directors to exert such influence.
SECTION 4. Congress shall have the power to set limits on contributions and expenditures made to influence the outcome of any federal election.
SECTION 5. Each state shall have the power to set limits on contributions and expenditures made to influence the outcome of elections in that state.
SECTION 6. The power of each state to set limits on contributions and expenditures shall extend to all elections in that state, including initiative and referendum elections, as well as the power to lower any federal limits for the election of members of Congress to represent the people of that state.
SECTION 7. Congress shall have power to implement and enforce this article by appropriate legislation.