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Ira Chernus: What to Listen For in O’s Big Speech

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depakid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-26-10 09:03 PM
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Ira Chernus: What to Listen For in O’s Big Speech
When Barack Obama steps to the podium in the House of Representatives tomorrow night, to make yet another “most important speech of his career,” he’s going to talk about “fighting for the middle class” and “reversing the overall erosion in middle class security” — or so the White House advance team says. But will anyone believe him, or care? That depends on how he frames his message.

So far, all we’ve heard is a list of new programs: making it easier for people to care for dependents, repay student loans and save for retirement. Each one could have a sizeable impact on the family budget in several million households. But such lists don’t have a sizeable impact — in fact, they rarely have much impact at all — on the national political scene.

What makes an impact is not policies, but stories. Or rather, a story — a single, overarching narrative that the public can remember, recite, and respond to with enthusiasm.

George Lakoff is just the best-known of the experts on political language who have been telling us for years that stories are the heart of politics. As Lakoff">recently wrote, a successful movement must have:

a popular base;

organizing tools;

an overall narrative, with heroes, victims and villains;

a generally accepted, morally-based conceptual framing;

a readily recognizable, well-understood language;

Progressive have the first two, he notes. But today, only conservatives have the last three:

“The conservatives are winning the framing wars again — by sticking to moral principles as conservatives see them, and communicating their view of morality effectively. In the 2008 election, Barack Obama ran a campaign based on his moral principles and communicated those principles as effectively as any candidate ever has. But the Obama administration made a 180-degree turn, trading Obama’s 2008 moral principles for the deal making of Rahm Emanuel and Tim Geithner. … A clear unified moral vision was replaced by long laundry lists of policy options that the public could not understand.”

Obama may be the most gifted moral storyteller to reach the political top in a long time. But if the script he reads from is not a gripping tale of good and evil, it’s not likely to change the political landscape very much at all. And there is every indication that he will use the State of the Union address only to grow the laundry list.

(the author cites several unfortunate reasons for this)

So as you listen to the State of the Union address, here’s the question to ask: Am I hearing a simple, convincing, overarching moral narrative about government as the good guy — a source of dynamic innovations battling against society’s evils? Or am I hearing merely another laundry list of disparate policies, all framed as ways to protect the middle class against a laundry list of threats? If Obama speaks mainly in “list” mode, he — and we — are still in trouble.


Failure to observe these principles was probably the number one reason for the ongoing failure of health care reform. Let's hope we hear something like the former above and see it reinforced through concrete actions and strong public statements in the months to come.
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depakid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 09:06 PM
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