What can he say? Any predictions? Can he possibly just not mention it at all -- might that be best?
Because unrealistic honesty would lead him to say something along the lines of --
"America is a center-right country; you just have to read those liberal-moderate-conservative polls to see that. Yet you elected me, a Democrat, for the White House. If there was one forthrightly liberal policy that actually would make sense, dollars and cents, and promote the general welfare, it would be to bring single-payer healthcare to these United States. And for the past year, I have proclaimed again and again that we must legislate reform in health care.
But I never pushed for single payer, I never used the bully pulpit the way only a first-year President can. I sat back and waited for Congress to write the bill. My bad. I never tried for single payer, I said, in essence, that private insurance was "uniquely American," I ended up calling even the public option a symbol. So we ground through the past year, and ended up with a shitty bill that imposes neo-feudal mandates on the American people in support of the same rotten collection of "insurers" who caused most of the problems with health care in the first place -- I know I'm not the only one who saw that Michael Moore movie, am I right?
And over the past couple of months, I have exhorted and implored and strived and finally got off my duff to strong-arm you Congressmen and women to vote for a bill - any bill; my Administation has driven the message to any good Democrat who would listen that it's time to stop letting the shitty be the enemy of the craptastic. Not that this is a good bill; we all know it isn't. But at least, at LEAST, if we could have passed this thing and I could have signed it BEFORE I had to give this State of The Union, an argument could be made that it would have been a good tactical move.
But then, thanks to Martha Chokely, the Repukes now have their 41st Senator, and so here I am, speaking to you in late January, as is usual, rather than sometime in February, as we all expected we would a month ago, because we'd need the extra time to pass something with "Health Care" on it.
let me be clear,
what the hell do we do next?" :shrug: