Since all we got was a spineless pseudo-dem who does the republican thing 99 times out of 100 times anyway, I'd rather have had the public anger fall on the other party. All Obumble is doing is making sure dems don't win again for years to come. I won't be listening tonight because when he speaks I get the same stress response I used to when that fuckhead bush was on tv and there is no reason to put myself through that. I'll be able to tell by the shrieks of agony here how badly he did. I predict 100 more bullshit promises that only poorly disguise his wholesale sellout to the rich. Same old shit.
The sad part is he doesn't even sound like a dem anymore. Maybe he will mention his pacific rimjob or expanding H1-bs for all those jobs americans just don't want or need? Maybe it will be another firm "Any bill I sign must include a public option." Honestly, it doesn't matter to me what he says anymore. He has 3 more years to screw things up worse for the "little people" while he makes his rich friends richer. Then we get to enjoy 4-8 years of the inevitable repuke fuckstick doing exactly the same and if there is anything left of our country at that point I'm sure some soulless DLC fuckhead like Rahm or Harold Ford will be along to sucker in whoever is left in our party and that will be that for the nation.
If our standards are so low that all we needed was a guy to give trillions to the rich and keep the wars going......McLame could have done that just fine. He might have even surprised us by standing up to repukes once in a while, something Obummer will never ever ever do.