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Pelosi: Health Care (Reform) is Not Dead.

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Clio the Leo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 03:19 PM
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Pelosi: Health Care (Reform) is Not Dead.
Edited on Wed Jan-27-10 03:20 PM by Clio the Leo
Gotta love those Kennedy's ;)


From NBC's Shawna Thomas
No event is safe from the politics of the State of the Union, not even one whose point was to honor Special Olympics athletes and gather support for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Act.

This morning Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a photo opportunity with Special Olympics athletes, Best Buddies participants, Timothy and Anthony Shriver, Joe Jonas (cue girlish screams here) and the health-care debate.

After hearing the stories of one decorated Special Olympics athlete and a Best Buddy participant, Pelosi gave Timothy Shriver, the Chairman & CEO of Special Olympics International and Eunice Kennedy Shriver's son an opportunity to speak.

Shriver began by pointing out that many Special Olympics athletes don't have private health insurance.

"We're here with a message of inspiration, all the things that are possible," he said, "but also with your support and the support of a bipartisan community here on the Hill with a strong message that these movements, Special Olympics and Best Buddies, are about challenging the nation to do better. And about reminding the nation about unfinished business and opening the doors to full and equal access whether it's on the playing field or the doctor's office or the work place. "

One reporter threw out an "unfinished business" question at the end of the photo opportunity. The reporter asked Pelosi if it was possible that there would be no health-care bill.

"I don't see that as a possibility," Pelosi responded. "But I think that you've seen a very eloquent presentation about the difference in opportunity that is there for people who have access to health care."

She continued, "Put it this way, the present system is unsustainable. We can no longer afford it. It's about the character of our country as Sen. Kennedy has said. We will make every effort to have a health care bill. But we will make progress whatever it is. One way or another we will go forward with that. "

Joe Jonas did not weigh in on the health-care debate.
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Phx_Dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 04:04 PM
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1. Nothing is official until JoBro weighs in.
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